Tuesday 21 July 2015

What Is The Code Break Game All About?

Code breaks game is a site that is best for people who like adventure. Here adventure means the desire to know more about something. Anyone who thinks they are well vast with knowledge in a particular field can visit the site and explore. Code break game is an independent non-conventional online community quiz question and answer. This site facilitates a game that requires two private players who play the game online and is manned by the organizer.

This game contains two phase. During the first phase the players are required to code a message from the quiz game answers. This coded message will be the motivation of the game. During the second phase, the players attempt to break the coded message to give its meaning, then the person who succeeds in getting the message, becomes the winner of the game. If the players fail to get the solution, the hints are published for someone to solve.

Players of the game contribute an agreed amount of money, to fund the winner prize pool. The amount of the prize pool is normally indicated on the website and is determined basing on the number of players. During the game, the organizer is expected to fair. All the information about the players is known only to the organizer and stored on the website and not the server. This enhances transparency because in case of a problem during the game, the players should notice that the organizer has tempered with the game and take the necessary actions. In a nutshell, code break game is an interesting game and prospective players are encouraged to try.

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